A Less Formal Life

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Again, I'm writing a novel

I'm finally forcing myself into enough of a self-disciplinary mode to actually work on a novel. It's one of my more emotionally difficult ones (they just seem to get more difficult as time and experience collects), so, wish my luck (just as I am wishing myself luck).

I am also trying to keep this in mind today:

"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." -- Louisa May Alcott

Fear, be gone ...

Friday, October 21, 2011

I am crap at updating

I realize the subject line is a frequent revelation that is also frequently followed by the revelation that I must write creatively more, or I'm going to lose all muscle tone. My exposure to bad internet writing and other nonsense is too great, and I fear that my own skills are in danger of declining.

Plus, I'm feeling rather competitive lately ... in a good way.

My next point of focus is going to be updating my own website, which means I have to actually sit down and revise my resume, figure out a bio for myself, etc. Stay tuned ...

I feel like writing a bad movie review today. But I'm not sure I can endure the bad movie. I watched Fast Five the other day, and, while the end sequence depicting two small sportscars pulling a giant bank vault through the streets that ended up ruining half of Rio was quite impressive on the terrible scale, I'm aware that a lot has already been said on the subject by others who are possibly funnier.

Also, Dear Diary, Today I feel nervous and slightly sad. And I hope it amounts to nothing but my own imagination.