A Less Formal Life

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Easy as ... Crustless Pie ... or "Modified" Cow Pies

A pie without crust is no pie at all.

And that is my point, I guess, with this likely incredibly lame "entry" (if you can call it that). Keeping up with this is not that easy on days when I have to write a lot of only borderline creative material. I'm really hoping to keep those non-sentimental sentiments out of here, because I am already on the brink of becoming way too interested in politics and business, thanks to all the writing of that sort I've been doing lately. This needs to stay sort of sacred, and definitely as unprofessional as possible without being full-on offensive (that's for other blogs).

I'd love nothing more than to share the excitement and wonderment of my forays into business writing this week, or the website relaunch (which shall remain nameless only because, "not here"), or the interviews and the fun and creative twists I'm trying to sneak into the writing that can sometimes get a little boring if carried out by the wrong fingertips.

Since I can't, I guess I have nothing to say.

My only observation today came on a quick run over the foot bridge to Randall's Island and back. The foot bridge is apparently (and quite unfortunately) the "river hobos'" go-to place for some privacy when they need to poop. Someone should really clean it more often, if only because it's going to become a health hazard. I bet someone could make a killing in this city starting a waste removal service for human excrement. I don't know who would enthusiastically take on that challenge, but I would imagine it would be the same type of person (but maybe a little more urbo-savvy and perhaps "creepier than") that would happily start one for pets in the suburbs.

How's that for informal?

And here I was, trying not to talk about entrepreneurialism ...

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